Friday, October 3, 2008

Birding Depression!

Have you ever been so busy that you can't find time to bird?  If so, does it drive you nuts? Do you find yourself looking at every bird picture you can find.  Browsing "Wild Bird" or "Birdwatcher's Digest" fantasizing about trips you wished you had money to take?  Staring out your window hoping for a Rufous Hummingbird?

Well, here I am... officially in a rut aching for a few minutes to bird!  Last weekend I was able to get out for about 2 hours - just enough time to want more.  I thought I had my first Least Sandpiper (6 actually) but didn't claim them because I just wasn't sure!  I had the scope on 60x and still couldn't feel 100%... maybe next time.

The birding forecast for this weekend is grim as well.  However, if I can find an hour or two, rest assured I will be looking up toward the sky hoping to see some sort of feathered life!

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Indiana State Bird

Indiana State Bird
Northern Cardinal